Sustainable Water Management
Contact T & G
Jersey today

Marcus Taylor

Lee Saxon
T&G Jersey examines the increased future risk of local flooding caused by a changing planet and explains services and solutions available now to assess the threat to Island properties and to mitigate against potential flood consequences.
Few would disagree with the growing need to address the impact of global warming and its effect on lives, homes, organisations and the wider environment.
Concerning trends are already observable, including the increasing likelihood of freak weather events and shrinking icefields contributing to rising sea levels. A potential long-term consequence of these worrying worldwide changes is the growing prospect of local flooding.
Responding to these trends, T&G offers a comprehensive range of flood risk assessment services and associated water management solutions in partnership with UK sustainable water consultants EPG. This ideal working arrangement combines longstanding local understanding and presence with best practice global knowhow and innovation.
T&G director Marcus Taylor explores the local flood risk issue further and explains more on approaches to manage and minimise threats.
The need for flood risk assessments
‘Flooding is not a new occurrence in the Island – very heavy rainfall and certain tidal and weather conditions have always posed a significant threat to property and infrastructure.
‘What’s new are predictions that global warming will potentially increase the likelihood of flooding and severity of flooding events. While governments, organisations and communities are coming together to reduce carbon emissions, it may not be quickly enough to prevent increased flooding in the Island during decades to come.
‘Jersey’s government has responded with new policies on the matter within its long-term sustainability plans. To comply, home builders and developers must consider the risk of flooding within the planning application process and identify potential mitigation measures.
‘T&G’s Flood Risk Assessment Service meets these compliance expectations through:
- Assessing the potential flood risk any development may face – now and in the future
- Considering options for designing the property to minimise flood risk
- Assessing how any development could increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere
- Identifying measures for use to mitigate against raising flood risk for other properties
- Ensuring the development satisfies all government requirements in this area
‘The T&G service is method-driven, structured in approach and output, carried out to the highest possible professional standards, and delivered through a partnership with leading UK sustainable water consultants EPG.’
Partnership with recognised expertise
The Environmental Protection Group (EPG) has focused on flood risk assessment and sustainable water management since its founding over 20 years ago. During that time the company has developed an enviable level of expertise, which it provides directly to organisations across the public and private sectors.
In 2020, an acquisition by environmental engineering management consultancy business STRI Group helped increase EPG’s breadth and depth of services. Partnering with the company provides T&G with structured access to those services now and as they evolve in the future.
EPG director Phil Williams expands on the benefits of joint working arrangements
Addressing the needs of today and tomorrow
‘As the drive towards carbon neutrality grows in pace, the need for more sustainable water management practices has increased in the UK and around the world. EPG specialises in meeting demands as they become established through government policies and regulations or as industry responds with new solutions. The focus is on addressing the environmental needs of today and planning for those of tomorrow.
‘One key area of interest, for now and into the future, is the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems or SuDS, which is one of the key mitigation measures used to address flood risk. The development of effective SuDS provides four key benefits:
- Reduces water running-off a property through the inclusion of sustainable design elements including rainwater harvesting solutions
- Improves the quality of run-off water by removing or reducing the risk of potential pollutants
- Increases biodiversity through including design elements encouraging or sustaining wildlife
- Offers the opportunity for greater enjoyment of the surrounding landscape through use of attractive natural elements
‘Through our partnership, T&G can provide their clients with access to SuDS solutions and other water management services, alongside flood risk assessments. These not only help protect properties but also the Island’s environment, and, importantly, can lead to cost saving for any homeowner or developer.’
Keeping the future under control
Global warming and its potential consequences may be a factor that everyone will have to live with in the future – the negative consequences of flooding and unsustainable approaches to surface water management are not.
Through its Flood Risk Assessment Service T&G, in partnership with EPG, can help determine the likelihood of a new or existing property being affected by flooding. Where identifiable risks exist, recommendations for sustainable water management mitigation measures are made to reduce or remove potential impact.
Where to find out more? Contact Marcus at T&G on 01534 867070 or email [email protected].
Flood Risk Assessment & Sustainable Water Management services include:
Structural Engineering / Civil Engineering / Imagineering / Temporary Works / Building Surveys & Reports / SER Certification
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